The Expanse Cocktails Project

Expanse Cocktail #43
Anna Volovodov

The Rev. Dr. Anna Volovodov’s skills range from political speech-writing to nursing to pastoral care. She is deeply concerned with helping people and making the world a better place, guided by her religion and compassion. She has the strength to stand up to the most powerful politicians and obsessive, violent individuals.

This drink is bright and cool, ready to help you rethink your ingrained worldviews.

In the show, Anna is shown drinking a glass of wine, so we included alcohol in this drink. In the books, however, Anna doesn’t drink alcohol, so we made sure it was a recipe that would work with either way. Leave out the vodka for an even more refreshing drink.


  • 2 parts vodka
  • 1 part lemon juice
  • 1 part simple syrup
  • ¼ part orange flower water
  • 2 parts soda water


Combine the first four ingredients in an ice-filled glass. Pour soda water in and stir briefly. Garnish with a twist of orange peel.
