The Expanse Cocktails Project

Expanse Cocktail #28
Wasted Girl

Nobody knows the name of the woman Detective Miller encountered outside Bizi Betiko’s hole. Some have called her “Smoking Girl”; others call her “Wasted Girl”. But everyone remembers her cheerful nonchalance and her signature phrase: “Why you pensa?”

A safety note! While dry ice is heavier than water and won’t float in your drink, be careful not to ingest or touch it. The best option is to admire its effects until they subside, and then drink your drink.


  • 1 part blue curaçao
  • 1 part overproof white rum
  • 1 part white rum
  • 1½ parts grapefruit juice
  • 1 spritz absinthe


Combine all ingredients, except for absinthe, in a mixing glass and stir to combine without chillling. Pour into a cocktail glass and spritz the surface with absinthe. Add small pieces of dry ice.
