The Expanse Cocktails Project

Expanse Cocktail #7
Anderson Dawes

The leader of the Ceres faction of the OPA, Anderson Dawes is smooth and polished, but conceals hidden complexity and a mysterious past. Despite his current power, Dawes grew up a dirt-poor rock-hopper and sacrificed his own sister’s life when she became ill. An idealist who considers all Belters his brothers and sisters, he is also a clever, ruthless pragmatist who doesn’t balk at using guile and betrayal to advance the Belt’s cause.

We advise a spiced chocolate bitters, such as Bittermens Xocolatl Mole, Fee Bros Aztec Chocolate, etc. Traditional chocolate bitters don’t give the intricacy that Dawes needs.


  • 1 part gold rum
  • 1 part bourbon
  • ½ part Averna
  • 1 dash Chocolate bitters


Add all ingredients to a large shot glass, then stir briefly with a swizzle stick or stirring rod. No garnish.
